Communism is a
biggest force in the world, it occupied a half area and a half of population of
the world. All of them follow Marxism and are educated by the same training
centers of Comintern. therefore their thoughts, their acts, even their
characteristics are the same.
Karl Marx and Engels followed the materialism, which is in contrast to idealism, neutral monism, and spiritualism. Karl Marx and Engels were very proud of their materialism and a number of intellectuals in the world also appraised Materialism. But today many philosophers and scientists do not approve the materialism of Communists.
Firstly, Philosophy , History, Politics,
Revolution belong to the domain of Science of Humanity, They are different from
the Natural Science and Pure Science.Karl Marx and Engels followed the materialism, which is in contrast to idealism, neutral monism, and spiritualism. Karl Marx and Engels were very proud of their materialism and a number of intellectuals in the world also appraised Materialism. But today many philosophers and scientists do not approve the materialism of Communists.
Secondly, although materialism and materials belong to the field of science, but all labels of "Science" do not certify that the contents of things are science.
The study of science needs the investigation, observations, and the experiments . A good scientific study needs two necessary conditions: objective and precise. But Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin had no time to observe their theory. They carried out their theory without the scientific experiments.
The professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame Alvin Plantinga criticised it, and the Emiritus Regius Professor of Divinity Keith Ward suggested that materialism is rare amongst contemporary UK philosophers: "Looking around my philosopher colleagues in Britain, virtually all of whom I know at least from their published work, I would say that very few of them are materialists."
Some modern day physicists and science writers such as Paul Davies and John Gribbin have argued that scientific finds in physics such as quantum mechanics and chaos theory have disproved materialism. In their 1991 book The Matter Myth in the first chapter titled The death of materialism they wrote:
Then came our Quantum theory, which totally transformed our image of matter. The old assumption that the microscopic world of atoms was simply a scaled-down version of the everyday world had to be abandoned. Newton's deterministic machine was replaced by a shadowy and paradoxical conjunction of waves and particles, governed by the laws of chance, rather than the rigid rules of causality. An extension of the quantum theory goes beyond even this; it paints a picture in which solid matter dissolves away, to be replaced by weird excitations and vibrations of invisible field energy. Quantum physics undermines materialism because it reveals that matter has far less 'substance' than we might believe. But another development goes even further by demolishing Newton's image of matter as inert lumps. This development is the theory of chaos, which has recently gained widespread attention.(Wikipedia)
According to Aleksandr Zinovyev, the Materialism of Marx and Engels and their class struggle, proletariat dictatorship are the mistakes and idiocies:
"All in all, Engels talked so much rot of every kind, that now all the world’s academies of science should be directed to rectify his mistakes and idiocies."(
In the first years of Lenin and Stalin, Russian people's revolt against Communism, and their failure in economics and politics proved that Marxism was a valueless philosophy.
In fact, their philosophy was not materialism but voluntarism and Idealism. Communists always focused on theory and spirit. Lenin said:" Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. [1].
Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao Zedong, Hồ Chí Minh, Trường Chinh, Võ Nguyên Giáp, Lê Duẩn had a lot of books representing their theory and policy in order to prove that they were the theorists as well the good leaders..
Marx said:" When, in the course of development, class distinctions have
disappeared, and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast
association of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political
character. Political power, properly so called, is merely the organized power
of one class for oppressing another. If the proletariat during its contest with
the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organize itself
as a class; if, by means of a revolution, it makes itself the ruling class,
and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it
will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the
existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have
abolished its own supremacy as a class.(Communist
Karl Marx and Engels also said:" The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.(Communist Manifesto)
Karl Marx and Engels also said:" The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.(Communist Manifesto)
Those were the
words of the voluntarists, not the materialists. Those words were pushed by
their ambition, their desire not by careful study of the scientists.
Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong with their rapid industrialization and central control of the economy, Stalin with the cult of personality in the Soviet Union; Mao Zedong with the second Five-Year Plan, known as the Great Leap Forward,
were the actions of the blind voluntarists.
Richard Pipes wrote:" One of the controversial subjects is the history of communism is the role played in it by ideology- specifically that labeled Marxism-Lenism. Some scholars believed that the movement and the regimes to which it gave rise were driven by ideas, for which reason they refer to the Soviet Union, and Maoist China as "ideocracies" that is, systems rule ideas " [2]
Trần Độ criticized communist materialism :
" Karl Marx 's philosophy is the materialism but in reality, communists followed idealism. This ideology believes absolutely in the idea, and the spirit. They think that idea and spirit are the decisive elements in all their works. They believe that the propaganda and the slogans would lead them to the success. (MỘT CÁI NHÌN TRỞ LẠI II , 5)[3]
Communism becomes Voluntarism consequently Communism is anti-scientific. Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In modern use, "science" more often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, not only the knowledge itself. It is "often treated as synonymous with 'natural and physical science', and thus restricted to those branches of study that relate to the phenomena of the material universe and their laws, sometimes with implied exclusion of pure mathematics. This is now the dominant sense in ordinary use (Wikipedia).
Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong with their rapid industrialization and central control of the economy, Stalin with the cult of personality in the Soviet Union; Mao Zedong with the second Five-Year Plan, known as the Great Leap Forward,
were the actions of the blind voluntarists.
Richard Pipes wrote:" One of the controversial subjects is the history of communism is the role played in it by ideology- specifically that labeled Marxism-Lenism. Some scholars believed that the movement and the regimes to which it gave rise were driven by ideas, for which reason they refer to the Soviet Union, and Maoist China as "ideocracies" that is, systems rule ideas " [2]
Trần Độ criticized communist materialism :
" Karl Marx 's philosophy is the materialism but in reality, communists followed idealism. This ideology believes absolutely in the idea, and the spirit. They think that idea and spirit are the decisive elements in all their works. They believe that the propaganda and the slogans would lead them to the success. (MỘT CÁI NHÌN TRỞ LẠI II , 5)[3]
Communism becomes Voluntarism consequently Communism is anti-scientific. Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In modern use, "science" more often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, not only the knowledge itself. It is "often treated as synonymous with 'natural and physical science', and thus restricted to those branches of study that relate to the phenomena of the material universe and their laws, sometimes with implied exclusion of pure mathematics. This is now the dominant sense in ordinary use (Wikipedia).
The objects of
science are the visible, touchable and measurable. The laws of science are
exact in everywhere and every time. But Menchevish and Bolchevish, Lenin
and Marx, Stalin and Trotsky, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping are so contradictory
that caused the tragic fighting between them.Their fights prove that communism
is not exact, not precise, and not scientific.
Science has
two characteristics: objective and precise. Marx, Lenin, Stalin always said
that Communism is indispensable, the death of Capitalism is inevitable... In proportion as the antagonism between
classes within the nation vanishes, the hostility of one nation to another will
come to an end...Communists have a world to win." Those are the dreams
or the desires of Marx, Engels , but they are subjective and ambiguous.
Stalin, Mao Zedong were not the economists but they pushed for more rapid industrialization,
central control of the economy, and the collectivisation of agriculture that
caused the famine in USSR and in China. The death toll
from famine in USSR and China at that time is estimated at between 60 million people (Wikipedia). Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong were not the economists, and their cadres working in the government, in the collective farms and in the collective workshops were the peasants, not the economists, therefore their failure was inevitable. Nikolai Bukharin and Alexey Rykov opposed Stalin's policies, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping criticized Mao Zedong as a result they were punished by Stalin and Mao Zedong. Stalin and Mao Zedong's policies were based on their ambition, their pride and stupidity, not on the scientific and objective study. Moreover, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong wrote but they never verified what they wrote and what they said.
from famine in USSR and China at that time is estimated at between 60 million people (Wikipedia). Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong were not the economists, and their cadres working in the government, in the collective farms and in the collective workshops were the peasants, not the economists, therefore their failure was inevitable. Nikolai Bukharin and Alexey Rykov opposed Stalin's policies, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping criticized Mao Zedong as a result they were punished by Stalin and Mao Zedong. Stalin and Mao Zedong's policies were based on their ambition, their pride and stupidity, not on the scientific and objective study. Moreover, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong wrote but they never verified what they wrote and what they said.
Karl Marx 's
materialism is not science but an ideology. Aleksandr Zinovyev was right when
he said:
"Unlike science, an
ideology is constructed of conventional ambiguous expressions, which require
interpretation. It is impossible to verify or experimentally confirm an
ideological statement, one cannot refute these for they are meaningless. […]
While arising, an ideology may have pretensions to be scientific. But having become
an ideology, it loses all the major characteristics of science.
Marxism disguises itself
as science and owing to this it is easier for Marxism to portray the existing
society as acting on the basis of scientific laws of his history, to portray
the leadership’s selfishness and idiocy as ingenious scientific foresight etc...
of the Marxist concepts (literally – not a single one!) matches the logical
rules of scientific concepts.”(
At the end of 20th century, people in the world realized the failure of the Communism. But from the antiquity, many philosophers had criticized the Communism. Communism failed due to many reasons:
1. Communism is an imaginary work
At the end of 20th century, people in the world realized the failure of the Communism. But from the antiquity, many philosophers had criticized the Communism. Communism failed due to many reasons:
1. Communism is an imaginary work
What Marx and
Engels wrote are only their dreams if not their deceits. Boris Yelsin said:
"Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky.(brainyquote)
Ronald Reagan said:
"Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky.(brainyquote)
Ronald Reagan said:
only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it, and hell where they
already haveit."
2. Communism is contrary to people's desire. Communists ' slogan with freedom, democracy, equality, for people, for proletariat class is communist's propaganda, communist deception art. When the people realized the Communists' promises had been lies they refused to cooperate, as everything belonged to the government. Farmers grew only what they needed, since all surplus went to the Communist state. Factory workers went on strike and refused to work, so that production fell far below their previous output. The true communism needs three characteristics: humanity, democracy, and socialism. If we want to build a classless society, we must practice a lot of morality such as compassion, charity, and fraternity. Brutality, dictatorship, totalitarianism are contrary to communism. Humanity means freedom. Nobody can not deceive people and force people to do anything. Real communism is real freedom. Seize people property, force people to work in the collective farms or workshops are contrary to morality, democracy and freedom. One party state and dictatorship are contrary to democracy and freedom. Communist parties in China and Vietnam now practice "Innovation policy", and abolish " socialism", not supporting the poor people, the proletariat class. Communists now become red capitalists. They do not care about their aims for a classless state, abolition of exploitation.They only focus on money, and find all way to enrich.
3.Communists torture and expel the intellectuals
Communists only focus on the peasants and workers when they consider the intellectuals as the "enemies of people".
Communist leaders were not the experts but they launched many ambitious plans ; and communist
functionaries were illiterate but manage the national economy and business. When Monarchy and Capitalism respect the intellectuals, communism tortures and expels them. In the revolt 1917, Lenin, Stalin expelled the intellectuals and promoted the peasants. Lack of experts, Stalin must hire a lot of foreign experts to design new factories, supervise construction, instruct workers and improve manufacturing processes. The most notable foreign contractor was Albert Kahn's firm that designed and built 521 factories between 1930 and 1932. As a rule, factories were supplied with imported equipment.
Official Soviet estimates stated the annual rate of growth at 13.9%; Russian and Western estimates gave lower figures of 5.8% and even 2.9%. Indeed, one estimate is that Soviet growth became temporarily much higher after Stalin's death.(Wikipedia-Stalin)
Pipes said of the labor force in Russia:
" A 1922 survey of
Communist Party's membership in the Soviet Union revealed that only 0.6percent
had completed higher education, and 6.4 percent had secondary school diplomas.
One the basic of such evidence, one Russia historian concluded that 92% of the
party's membership was functionally illiterate ( 4,7 percent was literally
illiterate)...(Communism, 156)
In a short time,Vietnam now have 30,000
doctors but a majority of them are the false doctors.
Communism is a philosophy to destroy the society when Marx pointed out the
theory of class struggle, abolition of property, and abolition of eternal
truths, all religion, all morality, and all past historical
experience. Communism is a philosophy to
destroy a nation when Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong launched the
industrialization and collectivization. Communism is a philosophy of genocide.
Ernest Renan was right when he said:"Communism is in conflict with human
Communism is contrary to democracy, so Andre Malraux also said:" Communism destroys democracy. Democracy can also destroy Communism.(brainyquote.)
4. The failure of Communism
From the beginning of Soviet Union, until Mao Zedong's death, communism experienced a great number of failure although they had a number of success in the field of Military Science.
1. In economics, communism system leads to famine and the death of million people in Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Vietnam. In Soviet Union, the first years of collectivization it was estimated that industrial production would rise by 200% and agricultural production by 50%, but these expectations were not realized. Stalin's regime moved to force collectivization of agriculture. But Collectivization meant a drastic drop in living standards for many peasants, and it faced violent reaction among the peasantry. In China, in January 1958, Mao Zedong launched the second Five-Year Plan, known as the Great Leap Forward.The Great Leap Forward led to an approximately 15% drop in grain production in 1959 followed by a further 10% decline in 1960 and no recovery in 1961, and caused the death of some 30 million Chinese peasants between 1959 and 1962 and about the same number of births were lost or postponed. Further, many children who became emaciated and malnourished during years of hardship and struggle for survival died shortly after the Great Leap Forward came to an end in 1962.(Wikipedia)
R.J. Rummel, in his book Statistics of Democide, estimates the death toll from all causes from 1945-56 in Vietnam:
The probable democide for this four year period then totals 283,000 North Vietnamese. There was also those who died in prison or at forced labor from 1945 to 1956. One estimate of 500,000 dead from President Nixon. ..Based on other estimates of the prison/camp population I assumed a 50,000 camp population per year and an unnatural death rate of 2 percent per year, on par with the Chinese rate and much lower than for the Soviet gulag. This gives me a low of 24,000 dead. . . Putting together all these consolidations and calculations, I figure that for the years 1945 to 1956 the Vietnamese communists likely killed 242,000 to 922,000 people.(Wikipedia)
2. Communism eradicates culture.
By the wholesale elimination of such individuals, the intellectual and moral fibers of the respective populations were degraded immeasurably. Richard Pipes offers one example of this phenomenon:
“In Russia, which experienced Communism the longest, the population has been robbed of self-reliance. Since under the Soviet regime all orders pertaining to nonpersonal affairs had to emanate from above and initiative was treated as a crime, the nation has lost the ability to make decisions in big matters and small. People wait for orders. Communism also killed in them the work ethic and a sense of public responsibility.”(Communism, 159)
3. Communism accomplished through corruption, and blackmail.
In our world, a majority of people are greedy. Due to education, morality and law, many people do not dare to do wrong.
It seems that all communist leaders are the greedy and ambitious persons. Greed and ambition are the nature of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hồ Chí Minh, Pol Pot.
In Communist Manifesto, Marx expressed his ambition to govern the world and put the york on the people's neck. Lenin, Stalin. Mao Zedong, Hồ Chí Minh, Pol Pot also showed their power: the power to force people to obey their command, and the power to kill million people in a short time.
Hồ Chí Minh robbed Phan Chu Trinh, Phan Văn Trường, Phan Bội Châu, Hồ Học Lãm of their name and their works. Hồ Chí Minh sold Phan Bội Châu to the French and sold Vietnam to China. Now, communists seize banks, and people's land and houses.
Communism's abolition of property also caused ambition and greed for the communists and people. Richard Pipes criticized Communism: "The goal of communism, abolition of property, inevitably leads to the abolition of liberty and legality. The nationalization of productive resources far from liberating men from enslavement by things as Marx and Engels had envisioned, converts them into slaves of their rulers and,because of endemic shortages make them more materialistic than ever" (Communism, 152)
Communism with abolition of property is a occasion for the communists to robe the public property.The bribery and corruption in the communist society developed due to the greed of communism and due to lack of justice and democracy. We can say that communists are more greedy than capitalists.
Communism never worked. It brought wars, suffering and many people died because of it. Winston Churchill is right when he said:" Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
( Brainyquote)
And Alexei Sayle said: "I always thought communism was crap, really."( brainyquote)
If we compare communist system to capitalist system, we will realize that capitalism is better than communist when the GDP per capita in the North is $900 in the South $ 13.000 ( Pipes, 152)
Communism now becomes a religion.
Communists are dogmatists. Dogma is the official system of belief or
doctrine held by a religion, or a particular group or organization. It serves
as part of the primary basis of an ideology or belief system, and it cannot be
changed or discarded without affecting the very system's paradigm, or the
ideology itself. They can refer to acceptable opinions of philosophers or
philosophical schools, public decrees, or issued decisions of political
Dogmatism a method of thinking by which certain propositions are turned into rigid conclusions that are applied without regard for the concrete conditions of life. Marxism demands that its adherents endeavor to ’’prevent science from becoming a dogma, in the bad sense of the term, from becoming something dead, frozen, and ossified” (V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 18, p. 138).
Marxist materialist dialectics, with its principle that “there is no abstract truth, truth is concrete,” is the antipode of the metaphysical rationality of dogmatism.(E.P.SITKOVSKII. )

" Communism was meant to be an alternative religion".( .brainyquote)
Personality cult in Communist world and the blind believes in Marx's teachings are the manifestation of dogmatism. Dogmatism is the results of stupidising people in education and in propaganda.
Just like the medieval church, the Communist Party promoted the idea of saints, people whose total devotion to the Communist cause was a good and holy thing and entitled them to be worshiped. The Communists even revived the bizarre medieval practice of worshiping the dead bodies of the saints; they built massive mausoleums in which they placed the embalmed bodies of their dead leaders and forced their people to worship them.
Just like the Russian Orthodox Church, the Communists also created icons, pictures of Communist leaders whom people were to worship. In North Korea, for example, it is even a crime to destroy a picture of the late dictator Kim Il Sung. In China, the Chinese considered the Red Book of Mao Zedong as a Bible. In Vietnam, communists forced people to worship Hồ Chí Minh 's picture.
Like all religions, Communism is irrational, dogmatic and based on faith rather than science. Just like some religions, Communism had its Holy Books which were treated as Holy Scripture, namely the writings of Lenin, Mao, Marx and others--all of which were far from scientific. Marx held and promoted some beliefs which were later disproved by science, for example Marx taught that many human characteristics we now know to be inherited through genetics were caused by environmental factors. When scientists in 1930s Russia pointed this fact out, Stalin reacted by throwing the scientists into the Gulag just like the Church imprisoned Galileo.
Like most religions, Communism operated on irrational faith; people in Communist countries had to have absolute faith in the Communist system and its leaders. Thinking for oneself was strictly verboten in Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, and Ho's Vietnam. Those who questioned Communism and its leaders were treated as heretics by the Communist state.
Just like the Church in Medieval Europe, the Communists tortured and killed those who refused to adopt the official faith. Just like the Church, the Communists promoted the belief that governmental authorities were all-knowing, all-powerful and sanctioned by God, and the idea that refusing to bow to authority was a sin.
Trần Trọng Kim wrote about the Communist religion:" Based on its organization and action, we can conclude that Communist party is a new religion. Similarly to other religions, communists pay attention to the faith. When the old religions believe in the Heaven, communists believe only in materials, and in the Heaven in this world. The communists must believe in the theory of Karl Marx and Lenin. They only worship Karl Marx and Lenin instead of the other gods. If they did not believe in Marx, Lenin, or protest against the communist leaders, they would be punished like Trotsky and the members of the Fourth International. (TRẦN TRỌNG KIM * MỘT CƠN GIÓ BỤI, 37 )
According to Robert Vincent Daniels: "Bureaucratized dogmatism, a spreading of mass myth that put entire peoples and continents under the power cruel and treacherous demagogues and destruction and degeneration from foresecable consequences of swift changes in the conditions of life in our planet."[4]
Trần Xuân Bách wrote:
Today, the scientific thoughts replace the dogmatic thoughts. History now changes rapidily. Marx gave us the weapon of dialectic materialism and historical dialectics, not the Bible. The application of Marxism must base on the historical circumstances....We must have scientific thinking. Following loyally each line in the Marx's Bible we cannot save Marxism.TRẦN XUÂN BÁCH * CHỦ NGHĨA XÃ HỘI
According to Wikipedia, Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian
nationalism. Fascists seek to unify their nation through a totalitarian state
that seeks the mass mobilization of the national community through discipline,
indoctrination, and physical training. Fascism utilizes a vanguard party to
initiate a revolution to organize the nation upon fascist principles Fascism
views direct action, including political violence and war, as a means to
achieve national rejuvenation, spirit and vitality. Fascism and Communism
followed the Totalitarianism. They are the form of tyranny.
The evil philosophies of fascism and communism were the two great 20th century mass killers. Of these, communism was the greatest killer. 150 million men, women and children have been murdered by socialism so far, and the killing continues today, notably in North Korea, China and Vietnam.
Imperialism is a policy of extending
control or authority over foreign entities as a means of acquisition and/or
maintenance of empires, either through direct territorial conquest or through
indirect methods of exerting control on the politics and/or economy of other
countries. The term is often used to describe the policy of a country in
maintaining colonies and dominance over distant lands, regardless of whether
the country calls itself an empire. Imperialism draws heavy criticism on the
grounds that it is a form of economic exploitation in which the imperialist
power makes use of other countries as sources of raw materials and cheap labor,
shaping their economies to suit its own interests and keeping their people in
poverty. When imperialism is accompanied by overt military conquest, it is also
seen as a violation of freedom and human rights, as well as self-determination.
Marx and Engels ' ambition expressed clearly in Communist Manifesto:
- They want to export their communism to the whole world. It is a global plan of the imperialism (They have a world to win...Working men of all countries, unite!)
-They want to overthrow all governments in the world to build the communist society. They want to seize political and economical power and to abolish private property, and destroy all traditional culture. It is an imperialism and a dictatorship in politics and in thought.(The
communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional
relations; no wonder that its development involved the most radical
rupture with traditional ideas.In
short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement
against the existing social and political order of things.They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.)
According to Wikipedia, the informal term "Soviet Empire" is used by critics of the Soviet Union to refer to that country's imperialist foreign policy during the Cold War. These nations were independent countries with separate governments that set their own policies, but those policies had to remain within certain limits decided by the Soviet Union. Failure to stay within the limits could result in military intervention by the Warsaw Pact. Countries in this situation are often called satellite states. This arrangement was always unofficial, and the Soviet government always denied having any power over other countries.
Though the Soviet Union was not ruled by an emperor and declared itself anti-imperialist, critics argue that it exhibited tendencies common to historic empires. Some scholars hold that the Soviet Union was a hybrid entity containing elements common to both multinational empires and nation states. It has also been argued that the USSR practiced colonialism as did other imperial powers. China after Deng Xiaoping becomes a wealthy country. In 20th century, Chinese Communists invaded Tibet, and occupied the border and islands of Vietnam. In 21th century, they declared that the Pacific Ocean belongs to them. In 1978, Vietnam occupied Cambodia. It is clear that Communists are imperialists or colonialists although their slogans are anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, protecting the peace of the world.
Trần Trọng Kim wrote about the new imperialism:
"The communists do not struggle for their country, but for liberation of the proletariat class in the world, and for the abolition of the hostility of one nation to another in order to build a harmonious world governed by the Pope in Russia. As a result, the communist countries must surrender Russia like the China in the Qin Shi Huangdi dynasty. If a communist country do not obey the Russian Pope they will be expeled like Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslava although the Russian Communist leaders declared itself anti-imperialist.( TRẦN TRỌNG KIM * MỘT CƠN GIÓ BỤI 37.)
After the communists seize power in a country, they become automatically the red capitalists. They have a lot unlimited power, they can do every thing without the control of people and press. They become the greatest red capitalists because all the national property are in their hand.
After seizing power, Lenin, Stalin, Erich Honnecker, Nicolai Ceausescu, Mao Zedong, Hồ Chí Minh became the kings, and the tyrants and the other communist leaders became the red capitalists when people became slaves. In the USSR in 1933 workers' real earnings sank to about one-tenth of the 1926 level. Common and political prisoners in labor camps were forced to perform unpaid labor, and communists and Komsomol members were frequently "mobilized" for various construction projects. Why? They are the biggest capitalists because the property in the country now in the hand of a few communists. They take monopoly of economic and political power. Moreover, they rob the banks, they occupy land and houses of people. They sell Vietnam to Chinese communists. They make money by bribery and corruption.
Willy Lam wrote: "Communist Party Congress closed this week by putting the spotlight on the rising political fortunes of businessmen. It's a striking change for an authoritarian party whose declared mission is to defend the proletariat from the capricious whims of exploitative capitalists. Some 20 entrepreneurs were included in the policy-setting Central Committee of 204 full and 167 alternate members named by the 2,200-odd delegates.
To be sure, the great majority of the committee members are still senior officials of the party, government and military. Yet not a single genuine peasant or worker - whom President Hu Jintao has vowed to serve under his much-cited "putting people first" policy - was inducted into the central committee. The "red capitalists" have arrived.
Members of what critics have called the new party aristocracy include the chief executives of government-controlled conglomerates that are listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. The top brass of China Telecom, the State Grid Corporation of China, PetroChina and China Construction Bank, among others, were all elevated. There was one representative from the private sector, the chairman of Haier, the largest Chinese maker of home appliances.
The theoretical justification for the businessmen' s ascent up the party hierarchy is former President Jiang Zemin's so-called "Theory of the Three Represents," which says, among other things, that the party must recruit elite members of the "new classes" who represent "the highest productivity and the foremost culture."
The controversial theory was enshrined in the party Constitution at the 16th Party Congress in 2002, which also endorsed Hu as Jiang's successor.
Since 2003, Hu and his ally Prime Minister
Wen Jiabao have seldom mentioned the "Three Represents." Instead,
they have focused their public campaigns on their so-called "scientific
theory of development," which underscores the need to give peasants and
workers a bigger share of the fruits of economic growth, as well as to promote
social justice and equal opportunities for all. . .Not everyone
approves. There was a groundswell of discontent against the "favoring of
the rich," which was evident from the voting patterns of Congress
delegates, who were chosen from a reasonably broad spectrum of society. Most of
the "red capitalists" scored poorly: Six of the 12 alternate members
who garnered the least number of ballots were state entrepreneurs and managers
of government investment houses.It is probably because of the leadership's
anxiety over alienating the leftist members and cadres, several hundred of whom
wrote a petition to the Congress protesting the rise of businessmen, that these
bosses only qualified as alternate members.. .
What accounts for the success of the red capitalists?
First, the monopolies seem to be a law unto
themselves. The 160 enterprises control assets of $1.6 trillion - some 60
percent of the nation's GDP - and made more than $93 billion in profits last
year. Chinese consumer associations have complained about the high prices of
the products and services of several of these giants.
While they are in theory under close government
supervision, senior executives give themselves salaries and perks up to 10
times more than those of ordinary state-owned enterprises.
Second, they have prevented smaller but more
aggressive and flexible private firms from entering their lucrative markets.
Even worse, a disproportionately large number of the CEO and other senior slots
have gone to former officials and the offspring of party elders. For example,
the son and daughter of the former Prime Minister Li Peng, who remains
unpopular due to his association with the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown, are
running two electricity conglomerates.
It is perhaps for these reasons that in his
political report to the Congress, Hu stated for the first time that it was
imperative to "deepen the reform of monopolistic enterprises by
introducing competitive mechanisms and boosting government supervision and
social scrutiny."
But precisely because so many party cadres -
and their spouses and offspring - are earning big money in these companies,
Hu's instruction will likely fall on deaf ears. This is despite the widespread
recognition that the collusion between officials and business is the biggest
factor behind ever-worsening corruption in China.
And yet there are even more important reasons
why party officials may have decided to tolerate these conglomerates.
First, these behemoths ensure that the
party-state apparatus will maintain control over the most crucial parts of the
economy. When the Soviet empire started crumbling in the early 1990s, the late
Deng Xiaoping warned that the party must never let go of its grip over big
Moreover, given the fact that during the 1989
pro-democracy movement, student demonstrators got substantial financial support
from a sizeable number of private businessmen, Beijing harbors doubts about the
loyalty of private entrepreneurs.
But clearly Beijing's attitude toward
free-market entrepreneurs is changing. After successfully persuading more of
the nation's estimated 11 million private bosses to join the Communist Party,
the party leadership has become more confident that businessmen in general will
not jeopardize their fortunes by engaging in anti-Beijing activities.
A much circulated instruction from Hu notes,
"We must more comprehensively rally members of the new social sectors
around the party and government." It is conceivable that once these
nouveau riche party members have demonstrated their fealty to the leadership,
substantial numbers of non-state businessmen may be elevated to the Central
Committee at the 18th Party Congress five years down the road.
It is true that remnant Maoists within the
CCP will continue to oppose the enfranchisement of the capitalists. Yet the
party's left wing is being relentlessly marginalized as Marx's ideals become
more irrelevant by the day in free-wheeling, quasi-capitalist China.[5]
Vietnamese and Chinese communists now become the new class, the red capitalists. They can invest many million in the USA, and send their sons and daughters to the USA, Canada, Australia to study. But the slave trade and the branch of body business developed because they can bring a lot of income for the exploiting class.
Proletariat class now becomes poorer. In the capitalist and monarchical society, the poor people can go to schools and hospitals without fees. But now they have to pay fees. If not, they must die, and their children must be illiterate. Although the students and patients pay a lot of fees, the teachers, the doctors and nurses still live in poverty because communists in school and in hospital seize all profits for them.
Communists are also a kind of exploiting class.
In the capitalist world, the laborer salary merely suffices to prolong and reproduce a bare existence, but in the communist world, the worker salary does not suffices his need at all.
John Kenneth Galbraith was right when he said:
"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite".(brainyquote )
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon said:" Communism is inequality, but not as property is. Property is exploitation of the weak by the strong. Communism is exploitation of the strong by the weak.( brainyquote)
VIII.COMMUNISM, MACHIAVELLIANISM According the Oriental philosophy, there are two kind of politic policies.Vương đạo王道 and Bá đạo霸道.Vương đạo means the policy of humanity when bá đạo is the policy of violence and brutality.
It has been a common view among political philosophers that there exists a special relationship between moral goodness and legitimate authority. Many authors (especially those who composed mirror-of-princes books or royal advice books during the Middle Ages and Renaissance) believed that the use of political power was only rightful if it was exercised by a ruler whose personal moral character was strictly virtuous. Thus rulers were counseled that if they wanted to succeed—that is, if they desired a long and peaceful reign and aimed to pass their office down to their offspring—they must be sure to behave in accordance with conventional standards of ethical goodness.That is the politics of humanity.
Machiavellianism (or machiavellian mask) is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct", deriving from the Italian Renaissance diplomat and writer Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) , who wrote Il Principe (The Prince) and other works. For Machiavelli, there is no moral basis on which to judge the difference between legitimate and illegitimate uses of power. Rather, authority and power are essentially coequal: whoever has power has the right to command; but goodness does not ensure power and the good person has no more authority by virtue of being good. Thus, in direct opposition to a moralistic theory of politics, Machiavelli says that the only real concern of the political ruler is the acquisition and maintenance of power (although he talks less about power per se than about “maintaining the state.”) Only by means of the proper application of power, Machiavelli believes, can individuals be brought to obey and will the ruler be able to maintain the state in safety and security.
He says, “Since there cannot be good laws without good arms, I will not consider laws but speak of arms” (Machiavelli 1965, 47). In other words, the legitimacy of law rests entirely upon the threat of coercive force; authority is impossible for Machiavelli as a right apart from the power to enforce it. Consequently, Machiavelli is led to conclude that fear is always preferable to affection in subjects, just as violence and deception are superior to legality in effectively controlling them. Machiavellianism is politics of violence.
Communists followed Machiavellianism. Lenin said:" There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel."
"One man with a gun can control 100 without one."(brainyquote)
Their methods of action consisted of four policies: trick, lie, deceit and terrorism.
1. Trick Trick has a lot of meaning, but in this text, trick means device ; scheme, ruse, craftiness, and mischievous act. After the assassination of Kirov, which may have been orchestrated by Stalin, Stalin invented a detailed scheme to implicate opposition leaders in the murder, including Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev. The investigations and trials expanded. Stalin passed a new law on "terrorist organizations and terrorist acts" that were to be investigated for no more than ten days, with no prosecution, defense attorneys or appeals, followed by a sentence to be executed "quickly Stalin and Mao Zedong supported Hồ Chí Minh in order to conquer the world due their ambition of the imperialism not by the spirit of proletarian internationalism. Lê Duẩn confessed that Vietnamese communists have the duty to fight for the USSR and China. Hồ Chí Minh was a lackey of China, he helped China to destroy Vietnam, he sold Vietnam to China. Hồ Chí Minh invited France to Vietnam in order to expel Chiang Kai-shek 'soldiers from Vietnam. Hồ Chí Minh spoke ill of the Vietnamese Nationalist parties to French and American. Those were the communists tricks.
Lenin believed that "A lie told often enough becomes the truth".
Marx and Engels were the liars when he affirmed
that the capitalists would die and the proletarians would be the digger graves for them, that communism is a classless and stateless society in which everybody is equal, and communism is more wealthy than capitalism.
Lenin was a liar when he proclaimed that Proletarian democracy is a million times more democratic than any bourgeois democracy... Soviet power is a million times more democratic than the most democratic bourgeois republic.... The present form of the dictatorship of the proletariat, is a million times more democratic than the most democratic bourgeois republic.
Communists always tell lie, so Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said:
""When a Communist lies to you, stand up and tell him that he is lying. If you don't dare to say that he lies, walk away. If you do not dare to walk away, do not recite the lie that you heard to anybody."
" In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State." (brainyquote)
3.Deception Communists use education, propaganda, and media to deceit people. The teachers, the poets, the novelists become their tools.With the theory of Realist Socialism, communists force the writers to praise the leader and party although all of them are the thieves. What Marx and Engels proclaimed such as the proletariat class has a the world to win, that Capitalism is inevitable. communists supported the workers and build a classless state, are the deceitful words.Deception is the important methods of communists in all countries in the world. Lenin focused on the education when he said: Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted"; Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." (brainyquote)
Communists follow the education indoctrination and the method of brain washing.
Communists use the deception in order to achieve quick victory, to conceal their failure and their stupidity. Professor Phạm Thiều said:" Because of stupidity, Communists do wrong. Because of their faults, they tell lie" MỘT CÁI NHÍN TRỞ LẠI 2
Lenin proclaimed his method of deception without hesitation:
"We would be deceiving both ourselves and the people if we concealed from the masses the necessity of a desperate, bloody war of extermination, as the immediate task of the coming revolutionary action."[6]
Deception becomes popular in the communist society, the communists tell lie, people tell lie too.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel also said:
"The communists make the people deceitful "
In memoirs " Một Cơn Gió Bụi" (A Dusty Wind), Trần Trọng Kim complained the deception and violence of both Vietnamese communists and the French in 1945-50 ( 58-60).
Some writers said that communism is aliened but in fact, at the beginning, Communism expressed itself the cruelty. At the beginning, it had the seeds of own destruction in its body. Brutality and failures began with dictatorship of proletariat and abolition of private property.Brutality and abolition of private property lead to the revolt of people and prove the faults and failures of Communism.
The most important characteristic of Communism is brutality. Communists use brutality to depress and to punish people. Brutality is a method to terrorize people.
Communism is a philosophy of anti-humanity. Class struggle, proletariat dictatorship, abolition of property, industrialisation, and collectivisation are the policies of tyrants, killers, thieves and robbers. Dictatorship is a method of terrorism. When decided the policy of dictatorship of proletariat he decided to kill many million people to establish his communist society. Lenin gave his followers the unlimited power to kill, to imprison and torture people when he defined the "dictatorship as "power that is limited by nothing, by no laws, that is restrained by absolutely no rules, that rests directly on coercion" [7].
Communists use violence and terrorism to govern people. They tell lie, but people do not believe in them; they do wrong as a result, people revolt against them. It is time that communists kill people , imprison people and oppress people.
Police, Army and trials are communist's tools. It is estimated that by the late 1980's the KGB had a staff of at least 480,000 of whom about a quarter of million, assisted by tens of millions of informants, engaged in domestic counterintelligence and surveillance. ( Pipes, 84)
The Great Terror struck at the Party membership as well as ordinary citizens. At it height, in 1937 and 1938., at least one of half million people, the vast majority of them innocent of any wrong doing even the communist criteria, were hauled before troikas, tribunals made up of the first secretary of the regional party, the procurator, and the local security police chief.
The Red Army did nor escape the Terror. of its five marshals, three suffered " liquidation", of the army's fifteen generals , thirteen perished, of nine navy admirals, only one survived. The purge also affected the party elite. 139 members and candidates members of the Central Committee elected at the Seventeenth Party Congress in 1933, 70 percent were executed. All of Lenin's close associates including Zinoview, and Kamenev suffered arrest and torture, and one physically and mentally, were forced to stand staged "trials" in which they confessed to the most heinous crimes including espionage, terrorist acts, and attempts to restore "capitalism? (Pipes, 64)
The collectivized peasants were required to work a designated number of days per year for minimal wages in money and grains to fulfill the delivery norms imposed by state, the state paid the farms kopeks and resold the grains to consumers as flour and bread for rubles, earning a profit of several hundred percent. Farmer who failed to meet this norms went hungry. And those who out of desperation stole food were treated as danger criminals: a notorious decree of August 1932 provided for the death penalty or ten years of hard labor for any thief or damage of socialist (read communist party) property; which term covered stealing a few stalks of grains. Under this law, in the sixteen months that followed, over 125,000 peasants were sentenced, 5,400 to death. (Pipes, 60-61)
Ordinary citizens, were imprisoned and disappeared because of a charge remark or denunciation by personal enemies. During 1937 and 1938, the Security organs detained for alleged "anti Soviet activities " 1, 548,366 persons of whom 861, 692 were shot, an average of 1,000 executions a day. The majority of the survivors ended up in hard labor camps. The comparison Tsarist regime between 1825 -1910 the executed for political crimes 3, 932 persons or in 1942, when German invaded, the USSR, camp run by Gulag the main administrators body help 2, 350.000 inmates or 1,4 percent of the country's population (Pipes 66-67)
In January 1958, Mao Zedong launched the second Five-Year Plan, known as the Great Leap Forward, but it was an economic failure. The Great Leap's failure reduced Mao's prestige within the Party. Forced to take major responsibility, in 1959, Mao resigned as the State Chairman, China's head of state, and was succeeded by Liu Shaoqi. In July, senior Party leaders convened at the scenic Mount Lu to discuss policy. At the conference, Marshal Peng Dehuai, the Minister of Defence, criticized Great-Leap policies in a private letter to Mao. Mao launched the Cultural Revolution to wreak revenge on those who had dared to challenge him over the Great Leap Forward.The Revolution led to the destruction of much of China's traditional cultural heritage and the imprisonment of a huge number of Chinese citizens, as well as creating general economic and social chaos in the country. Millions of lives were ruined during this period, as the Cultural Revolution pierced into every part of Chinese life. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, perished in the violence of the Cultural Revolution. Mao Zedong committed many crimes and mistakes but he did not repent, he still destroyed Chinese culture and caused a genocide in order to conceal his failure. (Wikipedia)
In Vietnam, in 1954, Ho Chi Minh launched the Land Reform and killed about 500,000 poor people. In Land Reform and Party Reform, Hồ Chi Minh killed even the peasants, the communists, the cadres following him. At that time, Hồ Chí Minh, Trường Chinh, Tố Hữu punished brutally the intellectuals in the Nhân Văn Giai Phẩm movement that revolted for freedom and democracy.
Communists chose brutality because they think that violence would lead them to the fast victories.
Cruelty and terrorism are the usual methods in the Communist world. Trần Độ criticized the Vietnamese communist police:
It is equipped with the modern
terrorist tools which are more abundant than the old regimes (feudal and
colonial regimes)... The police investigate with setting the trap, making the
false evidence and torturing people violently in many days. When we did not
seize power yet, we condemned them but today we use them earnestly, and
defend them ferociously. (MỘT
Deception and violence always get along.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said:" Any man who has once proclaimed violence
as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.(brainyquote)
They did not hear Boris Yeltsin proclaiming:
You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long. Communists are incurable, they must be eradicated. (brainyquote)
They also did not understand Vladimir Putin's words:" Terrorism has once again shown it is prepared deliberately to stop at nothing in creating human victims. An end must be put to this. As never before, it is vital to unite forces of the entire world community against terror.
History proves that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient. (brainyquote)
Communists followed Machiavellianism as a result, they followed violence and practiced trick, lie, deception, and brutality.Thus immorality is also their nature and their policy.
One of the most important aims of Communism is destroy all tradition culture. Communism disdains the morality. For the communists, morality is a difficulty for the revolution. Without morality, they can do everything, they can kill people, rob people and maltreat people. Without morality, they can easily deceit, sell their people and sell their country. Trần Trọng Kim was right when he wrote of the immorality of the Communism: In reality, Communists do not accept morality. They think that morality is the depraved custom of the feudal society that carried out to deceit people, hence they must abolish it . Who believe in the morality are the dull persons. The radical people are the immoral people. Thus, the communists abandon their parents, their brothers and their friends. They only obeyed their party leaders. The communists can do every thing although they have to kill, to deceit people. Who make profits for party are the good communists.The good communists do not care about family, society, traditional customs They abolish traditional culture to build a new society. They do not struggle for their nation and people, but only for the class.If they say they fight for their nation, it is a temporary policy (36).
Communist party is the party of thieves, robbers and killers. Hồ Chí Minh was a professional thief when he robbed Phan Chu Trinh, Phan Văn Trường of name "Nguyễn Ái Quốc" and their revolution works, and he robbed Hồ Học Lãm of name Hồ Chí Minh, when he sold Phan Bội Châu to the French, and sold Vietnam to China. In the Land Reform in Vietnam, communists forced sons to denounce their parents,wife to slander her husband, and they destroyed the friendship between the villagers.
Thus communism caused the death of ten million people and destroyed traditional morality and spiritual life of the whole nation. Richard Pipes wrote :
The survivors, too, paid a price. In their effort to impose total conformity, communist regimes drove into exile, incarcerated, and silenced those who would not conform, often the ablest and most enterprising. As a result, some like reverse evolution was set in motion, which is most dependent and conformist having the best chance of survival. The enterprising, truthful, and public-minded perished. Communist societies thus lost the best and found themselves correspondingly impoverished.
In Russia, which experienced Communism the longest, one of the effects is that the population has been robbed their self-reliance. Since under the Soviet regime all orders pertaining to non-personal affairs had to emanate from above and initiative was treated as a crime the nation lost the ability to make decision, whether in big or small matters (except where criminal enterprise in concern), people wait for orders. After a brief outburst of enthusiasm for democracy, the yearning for a strong guiding hand and reasserted itself . The nation has found itself both incapable and unwilling to stand on its own feet and take charge of its destiny. .. It has also labeled in them the work ethic and a sense of public responsibility". (Pipes,158-59)
Communism is a disaster for human kind. Karl Marx and Engels made their experiments with a cost of the death of hundred of million people, and million sufferings of million people. Communism contains in its body the seed of failure and crimes. Communism destroys everything. It abolishes the national economy, national education, traditional culture, traditional morality and spiritual life of people. It has many characteristics, but trick, lie, deceit and terrorism are its four main methods of action.
[1]. What Is To Be Done?
[2]. Richard Pipes. Communism. The Modern Library, New York, 2001. 155.
[4].Robert Vincent Daniels - 1993 - History. 291.
[5].Willy Lam. The rise of the 'red capitalists'.New York Times. Published: Friday, October 26, 2007.
[6].Vladinmir Lenin. "Lessons of the Moscow Uprising" Collected Works, Vol. 11, p. 174)
[7]. VI. Lenin. Polnoe sobranie sochinenti 5th ed.Moscow, 1956-65;vol.41,383; Richard Pipes, 39,49.
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